
Showing posts from September, 2014

Hair Masks That You Can Actually Make At Home

During summer seasons, our hair are much more exposed to pollution, UV rays and chlorine which will cause damage to our hair. The good news is there are few hair masks that you can make in the comfort of your home. Avocado Mask Egg Mask Yogurt Mask

Setup a Blog in Blogger: HOW-TO

More and more people are getting involved in blogging for reasons might be just someones passion, making money or sharing ideas and knowledge. There are so many websites that offers free blog setup. is the top free blogging website. Here's how to setup a blog in Step 1: Create a blogger account or use your gmail account (if you already have one). Step 2: Click the button "New Blog" to create a new blog.

A Fresh Start!

Blogging has become my new hobby. Each time I logged in on my computer, I check my blogs and write a post when I can. I am not a blogger before neither a writer, but I started to love the fact that I can write just about anything.